Look 404 ❀

by - 02:35

Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Sheba - @TheLiaisonCollaborative ( Here ) Event
Clothing: #LANA // The Gala Star-  ( Here )
Tattoo: *Queen oF Ink - Triangle Tattoo @BodyFy ( Here ) Event
Pose: STUN - Pose Pack Collection 'Vayne' #37  ( Here )
Head: CATWA HEAD Catya ( Here )
Skin: Insol CATWA Face Applier 'Daria' - ST1 'Milk' ( Here )
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.0 ( Here )
Eyes: CATWA Animated Eyes & Tears  ( Here )
SU!- Umbra Eyes Fatpack @applique
Sand: ★ Backdrop & You ★ 

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